Sunday 27 November 2011

Thanksgiving at the Marlin.

After weeks of organising by Tom and Peggy Thanksgiving Nanjing 2011 kicked off with me an Steve jumping in a taxi at about 3:30 Friday afternoon to scoot down to the cake shop to buy cakes for the evening.  The deal was that AJ bought the fireworks and the cakes would be got by us, in the event Steve paid.

We got a dozen assorted cake slices for our table at the cake shop and got back to the Marlin just in time for the start of happy hour - phew. We had dressed up of course, we were all, the Brits that is, in our best bib and tucker, or at least the best our restricted wardrobes could produce. After all there are standards that must be upheld in the face of the American holiday. I was in Ben Sherman, my Crombie, black jacket and my DM's were newly shone, glowing bulls blood, cherry red. Steve was in a suit and tie with matching crutches and AJ, as ever the dapper fop, (hi AJ!) was in his suit!

Luckily for us the American girls, made an effort to and all looked very glamorous on the night. I'll pass over my comments on the guys and let the pictures do the talking!

The glamorous Lyndsey
The glamorous Nichole - although she hates the photos I take of her!

Some of the boys

First sitting was at 5pm and we were there early as tradition does command us to have a pint or two before dinner.


Soon dinner was served

Some of these guy have been out of the US for three years or more so the Turkey was a big deal, plus there was American football on the TV too which is traditional in the US.

But we enjoyed it too

Steve - head of the table
So there was rice stuffing, (veggie for me and with meat for others) bread stuffing, fantastic creamed potatoes, broccoli, amazing sweet corn (deep fried I think - Toms special recipe), salad with dressings, gravy and of course Turkey.

The meal was fantastic, I had thirds, and some people I believe had sixths...

Christy and Rick
Queuing for Turkey
 5ths or 6ths Bryan and Ryan
 Chef, River and Laura
Stuart - the Canadian with girlfriend

And we also had cake on our table!

The whole evening was a great success and totally down to these guys:

 The Head Chef - Tom
 And this is the Boss - Peggy and Tom

River and the Chef
We have to remember all the rest of the staff at the Blue Marlin that worked really hard in the kitchen and in the Bar to make it a great night.

 Blue Marlin Staff

Then of course we retired to the tables outside - I must say that given its the end of November the weather here in Nanjing has been very mild and Friday in particular was as warm and as sunny as an English summers day.

 Sheree (New Zealand) and Peggy
 Steve and Christy
 Brian and Nichole
 Sheree and Tom
 Kevin - a Brit
 Todd and Brian
 Peggy and Audrey
 Football I think
 The US contingent

 Nichole and Steve

Then we had fireworks

 Ton and Liam (Ireland)

 Brave boys


 It was a good night

Happy Thanksgiving America!

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